31/1/2023 The magic of product presentation![]()
Today, I received my shipment of Athletic Greens and I must say, I was blown away by the presentation. It's amazing how far product packaging has come in recent years, and I couldn't help but think of the impact that Steve Jobs has had on this industry.
Steve Jobs was known for his focus on design and user experience, and this approach has become a hallmark of many brands, especially those aiming to have a strong social presence and target a certain market. When it comes to product packaging, the goal is to create an experience that is as memorable and enjoyable as the product itself. I feel Athletic Greens have really succeeded in this. The moment I opened the box, I was presented with a clean, minimalistic design that immediately caught my attention and made me feel like I was indulging in a luxurious experience. It's clear that the brand cares about the entire customer journey, from the moment the product is received to the moment it is used. And I believe that's why they have such a strong following and so many positive reviews. Now, the real test begins. Will the product live up to my elevated expectations? Only time will tell. But, I can already share that it tastes delicious - with a perfect balance of flavors. This says a lot, especially since it's the first thing I drank at 5AM on an empty stomach. PS: Even though I pamper myself from within, I'm still an ultrarunner at heart. Black nails, dirty shoes, sweaty and smelly shirts are all integral parts of running all day!
31/1/2023 Inhale confidence, exhale doubt
My web browser recently offered me the mantra "inhale confidence, exhale doubt." It seems as though whoever wrote it had ultra-running in mind!
During my runs, I've often found myself feeling overwhelmed by the challenge ahead, exhausted by fatigue, and consumed by the elements. In these moments of desperation, the only way out was to take a deep breath. I've always used this simple approach to reset my inner state, but now this mantra gives a new psychological meaning for it - it's a powerful mental weapon. When we inhale confidence, we fill our minds and bodies with positive energy, enabling us to approach challenges with strength and determination. And when we exhale doubt, we release any negative thoughts or self-doubt that might be holding us back. This morning, I inhaled confidence and exhaled doubt before tackling that little annoying hill I normally avoid. Later today, I'll inhale confidence and exhale doubt before the lunchtime strength work session and ice bath. Tonight, I'll inhale confidence and exhale doubt before talking to my kids to soften my heart
30/1/2023 Hello world - my weekend writing
Today's run was a bit disappointing as I thought about the challenges I face in maintaining a consistent writing routine for my blog, especially on weekends filled with family commitments. From birthday parties to home maintenance, beach trips, soccer games in the backyard, and catch-ups with friends, there seems to always be something on the schedule, leaving only a precious few moments of free time to sit down and reflect on my thoughts.
But just as consistency and discipline are crucial to improving my running, I need to find a way to push forward with perseverance on this blogging experiment and writing journey. I can't let the busyness of life get in the way. At weekends, I may need to resolve to a simple "Hello World" and remain flexible on the time I write.
27/1/2023 Running Slower and Learning FasterToday's 90 minutes easy session on flat road was a perfect opportunity for me to catch up on some podcasts.
The episode I had chosen was a whopping 3 hours long. So, I thought, why not listen to it at 2x speed? On one hand, the idea of increasing the playback speed to consume more information in less time sounds great. But, it is easier said than done, as I found out today. It all started well but as the episode progressed, and I got a bit more tired, I found it harder to fully absorb and retain the information being presented. Certain words and concepts became harder to understand and I had to focus even more intently to keep up with the information. Visualising what was explained, ignoring the external distractions that come with running, like my breath, the terrain, my route, and the occasional random thoughts that pop into my head, was also pretty challenging. Today's choice was certainly too ambitious, as I listened to Lex Fridman's conversation with Dennis Whyte on Nuclear Fusion and the Future of Energy - an easy topic for an early Friday morning run! I managed to achieve a 1.5x speed with reasonable comprehension, but there were a few moments when I dropped out completely. And let me tell you, my brain felt tired after that run! So, my takeaway is probably an obvious one. While I may be capable of processing information faster than the speed I'm currently working at, a lot comes down to the complexity and familiarity with the subject I'm trying to learn, as well as external distractions. Next time, I'll go easier on myself and maybe listen to an episode on... quantum physics! 26/1/2023 Loving the silence
As someone who has lived in busy cities like London and Sydney for many years, I have come to appreciate the power of silence and the sounds of nature.
After years of being surrounded by the constant noise of traffic, sirens, and the hustle and bustle of city life, I have found that nothing soothes my mind and soul quite like the sound of birds singing and the peacefulness of nature. It's a reminder that amidst the chaos of life, there's always a sanctuary of peace and tranquility to be found in nature. And I am so blessed to live in such a beautiful place.
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