31/1/2023 Inhale confidence, exhale doubt
My web browser recently offered me the mantra "inhale confidence, exhale doubt." It seems as though whoever wrote it had ultra-running in mind!
During my runs, I've often found myself feeling overwhelmed by the challenge ahead, exhausted by fatigue, and consumed by the elements. In these moments of desperation, the only way out was to take a deep breath. I've always used this simple approach to reset my inner state, but now this mantra gives a new psychological meaning for it - it's a powerful mental weapon. When we inhale confidence, we fill our minds and bodies with positive energy, enabling us to approach challenges with strength and determination. And when we exhale doubt, we release any negative thoughts or self-doubt that might be holding us back. This morning, I inhaled confidence and exhaled doubt before tackling that little annoying hill I normally avoid. Later today, I'll inhale confidence and exhale doubt before the lunchtime strength work session and ice bath. Tonight, I'll inhale confidence and exhale doubt before talking to my kids to soften my heart
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