We all have the same 24 hours in a day, but it can feel like there's never enough time to get everything done, especially when it comes to getting a good night's sleep. I'm no exception to this, and I know that I often waste precious minutes here and there, which add up over the course of a day. And, with that, I waste attention and brainpower that could be better spent elsewhere.
This year, I'm determined to experiment, change, and optimize my time management. Firstly, I need to get an insight into where I spend my time. I plan to keep track of my day, the different activities I engage in, the time I spend, and put a value and priority against each. Then, I'll need to review the list with an objective eye, to eliminate, minimize, or optimize the activity, with the primary intent of freeing up time or reallocating it to activities that bring me more value. As I was on my run this morning, I started the process of logging my time, reflecting on the last week, and gained a few insights. I'm excited about the prospect of optimizing my life and I'll be sharing my progress and the first week of tracking. Let's see how it goes!
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