17/2/2023 Badwater new qualifying criteria
​Things have taken an unexpected turn.
Yesterday the organizers of the Badwater 135 have updated their minimum qualifying criteria for the 2024 race, and it's bad news for me. Now, You need to complete four 100-mile races, with at least one completed prior to 2021, and no 24-hour track or multi-stage/multi-day races count Unfortunately, my first miler won't be until this year, so I won't meet the new standards for the 2024 race. It's a disappointment, but I'm not going to dwell on it. I'm choosing to embrace the idea that everything happens for a reason. Maybe this is the universe's way of telling me to take a different approach, to focus on something different... for now. My commitment for 2023 was to become mentally and physically stronger and more resilient that I have ever been, and maybe this is part of the journey. Time to reassess my 2023 and 2024 race calendar and come up with a new plan.
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